更新 2025.2.10




Kids-Hero Research Institute.

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Hard Off Corporation Co., Ltd. (2674:TYO-JP)


  Trading Symbol 2674
  Company Name Hard Off Corporation Co., Ltd.
  Website https://www.hardoff.co.jp/
  Phone Number 0254-24-4344
  Location 新潟県新発田市新栄町3-1-13
  Incorporated 1972年7月25日
  The Hardoff Corporation Group is primarily engaged in the reuse and franchise (FC) businesses. The company is composed of two business segments. The company's business consists of two business segments: the Reuse Business, which includes computers, audio-visual equipment, musical instruments, watches, cameras, and various software. The Reuse Business segment handles computers, audio-visual equipment, musical instruments, watches, cameras, and various software. Buying and selling ''hard off'', branded goods & accessories, furniture, interiors, gifts, and lifestyle. Sundries, Women's Clothing, Men's Clothing, Baby & Children's Clothing, Sports Equipment, White Goods, Outdoor Goods Off-House, which buys and sells accessories, women's and men's clothing, bags, branded goods, etc. Buying and selling ''Mode Off'', audio, parts, tires, dress-up items and other automotive products Garage Off, which buys and sells equipment, trading cards, games, figures and more. Hobby-Off, which buys and sells plastic models and other toys in general, buys and sells alcoholic beverages and glasses, etc. Liquor-Off'' and rental boxes (glass case sales areas for product sales, corporate advertising, etc.) that The Box Shop, which purchases and sells books and game software, and Book-Off ( In the franchise business, the company operates the Hard-Off reuse shop and The ''Off House'', ''Mode Off'', ''Garage Off'', ''Hobby Off'' and ''Liquor Off The company is a franchise and chain business.
Highly correlated Stock
  1885 東亜建設工業(株)   7451 三菱食品(株)   8130 (株)サンゲツ   2780 (株)コメ兵ホールディングス   1888 若築建設(株)   8566 リコーリース(株)   8037 カメイ(株)   5930 文化シヤッター(株)   4220 リケンテクノス(株)   1934 (株)ユアテック   1802 (株)大林組   1882 東亜道路工業(株)   3583 オーベクス(株)   8014 蝶理(株)   6413 理想科学工業(株)   6988 日東電工(株)  
Other Websites

URL of Hard Off Corporation Co., Ltd. (2674:TYO-JP)

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