更新 2024.7.23




Kids-Hero Research Institute.

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Hitachi, Ltd. (6501:TYO-JP)


  Company Name Hitachi, Ltd.
  Website http://www.hitachi.co.jp/
  Sector Industrials
  Phone Number 03-3258-1111
  Incorporated 1920年2月1日
  The Hitachi Group operates in eight business segments: Information & Telecommunication Systems, Social & Industrial Systems, Electronic Equipment & Systems, Construction Machinery, High Functional Materials, Automotive Systems, Life & Eco Systems, and Others. The information and communication systems business provides system integration, consulting, cloud services, servers, storage, software, communication networks, and automated cash transaction devices (ATMs). The Social & Industrial Systems segment provides industrial equipment and plants; thermal, nuclear, and natural energy power generation systems; elevators, escalators, railway systems, and transmission and substation systems. The Electronic Equipment and Systems segment provides semiconductor manufacturing equipment, measuring and analysis equipment, advanced industrial components, and medical equipment. The construction equipment business provides hydraulic excavators, wheel loaders and mining equipment. The High Functional Materials business provides semiconductor and display materials, wiring boards and related materials, automotive parts, power storage devices, specialty steel products, magnetic materials, shaped products, and electric wire materials. The Automotive Systems segment provides engine powertrain systems, electric powertrain systems, integrated vehicle control systems, and in-vehicle information systems. The Living & Eco-Systems business provides commercial air conditioners, room air conditioners, refrigerators, and washing machines. Other businesses provide optical disk drives and real estate management, sales and rentals.
Highly correlated Stock
  7203 トヨタ自動車(株)   6490 (株)PILLAR   4966 上村工業(株)   9824 泉州電業(株)   2760 東京エレクトロン デバイス(株)   9621 (株)建設技術研究所   6504 富士電機(株)   8002 丸紅(株)   4186 東京応化工業(株)   8058 三菱商事(株)   8035 東京エレクトロン(株)   7433 伯東(株)   5384 (株)フジミインコーポレーテッド   7868 (株)広済堂ホールディングス   9749 富士ソフト(株)   8001 伊藤忠商事(株)  
Other Websites

URL of Hitachi, Ltd. (6501:TYO-JP)

Artificial intelligence is one of the research fields of computer science that studies intelligence through computation. And Artificial intelligence can learn by itself using a huge amount of data and can make flexible judgments and logical inferences and predictions.

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