更新 2025.1.14




Kids-Hero Research Institute.

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Itochu Corp. (8001:TYO-JP)


  Trading Symbol 8001
  Website http://www.itochu.co.jp/
  Sector Industrials
  Phone Number 06-7638-2121
  Location 大阪市北区梅田3-1-3 NORTH GATE BUILDING
  The ITOCHU Group is engaged in trading of a wide variety of products, financing, logistics, planning and coordination of projects, and cultivating and possessing various functions and know-how through investment in resource development and business investment. The seven Division Companies are engaged in diversified business activities through a wide range of industries and a global network in the following fields: consumer products such as textiles, food, housing, information and finance; basic industrial products such as machinery, chemicals, petroleum products, and steel products; and resource-related fields such as metal resources and energy resources. The Fibers and Textiles segment is engaged in global business development in all areas of the business, from textile raw materials, yarn, and textiles to clothing, accessories, and other consumer-related fields. In addition, the company is working to expand its brand business overseas and to develop sales channels such as Internet sales in the retail sector. The Machinery segment is engaged in infrastructure projects such as plants, bridges, and railways, as well as the handling of related equipment and services; independent power generation (IPP); water and environment-related projects; the handling of related equipment and services; the handling of individual machinery and related equipment such as ships, aircraft, automobiles, construction machinery, industrial machinery, machine tools, and environmental equipment and electronic equipment; and businesses related to renewable and alternative energy.
Highly correlated Stock
  7734 理研計器(株)   5344 (株)MARUWA   4063 信越化学工業(株)   4687 TDCソフト(株)   6406 フジテック(株)   2003 日東富士製粉(株)   9697 (株)カプコン   4746 (株)東計電算   4091 日本酸素ホールディングス(株)   4966 上村工業(株)   2705 (株)大戸屋ホールディングス   9632 スバル興業(株)   4186 東京応化工業(株)   9824 泉州電業(株)   7504 (株)高速   1911 住友林業(株)  
Other Websites

URL of Itochu Corp. (8001:TYO-JP)

The ideal collaborative system is not to take away human jobs, but to replace humans with jobs that humans cannot do, are not good at, or do not want to do. That's why The past data is divided into learning data and verification data, and the results predicted by Artificial intelligence are verified. KHRI's Artificial intelligence is a technology that supports human economic activities through economic forecasting.

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