更新 2024.7.23




Kids-Hero Research Institute.

<< 8473



J Trust Co., Ltd. (8508:TYO-JP)


  Trading Symbol 8508
  Company Name J Trust Co., Ltd.
  Website http://www.jt-corp.co.jp/
  Phone Number 03-4330-9100
  Incorporated 1977年3月18日
  Employees 56 人
  J Trust Group is engaged in Japanese financial business, Korean and Mongolian financial business, Southeast Asian financial business, general entertainment business, real estate business, investment business and other businesses. The company operates six businesses. The Japan Finance Business consists of credit guarantee operations, debt collection operations, credit and consumer credit operations, and other financial operations. In this business, credit guarantee services are mainly provided by banks, credit unions, and credit unions for business loans to small and medium-sized enterprises and individual business owners, consumer loans, and apartment loans. Debt collection services include the purchase and collection of loan receivables from financial institutions and non-banks. The credit and consumer credit business includes the settlement of funds by issuing credit cards and credit services for individuals such as card loans. Other financial services include lending services. The Korean and Mongolian financial businesses consist of savings bank business, debt collection business, capital business, and financial business, with the finance business centered on banking in Korea and installment business in Mongolia. In this business, the savings banking business will be engaged in banking services such as deposits and loans. Debt collection services include the acquisition of loan receivables from financial institutions and non-banks. The capital business is engaged in leasing and installment operations. The financial business is the lending business. The Southeast Asian finance business consists of banking, debt collection, and installment sales finance, and the company also operates a banking business in Indonesia. In this business, banking services include deposits, loans and other banking services. The debt collection business is responsible for the collection of loan receivables. The Installment Sales Financing business is engaged in the acquisition, screening, and collection of customers for sales financing. The general entertainment business is engaged in live entertainment and television production. The Real Estate segment includes the real estate trading business, focusing on the sale of detached houses, the revitalization of existing homes and real estate brokerage services, and the real estate asset business by purchasing and selling securitized real estate and income-producing properties, mainly in urban areas. The investment business is engaged in domestic and international investment business. Other businesses include commercial facility construction, including the design and construction of various commercial facilities such as amusement centers, karaoke shops, and restaurants; computer operation and management; and systems business, including commissioned software development and operation guidance services.
Highly correlated Stock
  2764 (株)ひらまつ   1873 (株)日本ハウスホールディングス  
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URL of J Trust Co., Ltd. (8508:TYO-JP)

Artificial intelligence is one of the research fields of computer science that studies intelligence through computation. Artificial intelligence can not only perform intelligent work in place of humans, but can also perform advanced information processing much faster than humans. Moreover, Deep learning is a technology that allows machines themselves to learn features from information, instead of humans teaching information to machines. But Use data up to a certain point in the past as training data for Artificial intelligence learning, and use already known data in the past as validation data.

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