更新 2025.1.22




Kids-Hero Research Institute.

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Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. (8801:TYO-JP)


  Trading Symbol 8801
  Website http://www.mitsuifudosan.co.jp/
  Location 東京都中央区日本橋室町2-1-1
  Incorporated 1941年7月15日
  Employees 2,049 人
  Mitsui Fudosan Group is a subsidiary of Mitsui Fudosan Co. The company is engaged in real estate related business, consisting of 67 affiliated companies. In the leasing business, the company leases office buildings and commercial facilities. In the Leasing segment, the company leases office buildings and commercial facilities. The company's consolidated subsidiary Mitsui Fudosan Residential sells detached houses, mid- to high-rise residences, etc. Ltd. will sell mid- and high-rise housing in Singapore. In the management business, the company provides property management services, including management, cleaning, and other services in the leasing business. Maintenance and other services are mainly provided by Mitsui Fudosan Facilities, First Facilities West, and Do.
Highly correlated Stock
  8830 住友不動産(株)   5334 日本特殊陶業(株)   9532 大阪瓦斯(株)   9301 三菱倉庫(株)   9531 東京瓦斯(株)   7267 本田技研工業(株)   6371 (株)椿本チエイン   7949 小松ウオール工業(株)   5802 住友電気工業(株)   7202 いすゞ自動車(株)   8593 三菱HCキャピタル(株)   5101 横浜ゴム(株)   6282 オイレス工業(株)   9699 ニシオホールディングス(株)   9324 安田倉庫(株)   7013 (株)IHI  
Other Websites

URL of Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. (8801:TYO-JP)

We are now in an age when the term “Artificial intelligence” is used as a matter of course. However, Artificial intelligence applies mathematics, chemistry, and physics, and KHRI applies Artificial intelligence to economics. So, In Japan, along with the labor shortage due to the declining birthrate and aging population, there is a desire for Artificial intelligence to play an active role. It is possible to constantly verify the calculation results by Artificial intelligence and further improve Artificial intelligence based on the results. Information provided by KHRI is for research purposes only. Please use prediction results by Machine Learning only for research purposes.
High-performance processors and independently developed data analysis methods are used to speed up the computational processing of Machine Learning. Kids-Hero Research Institute's Artificial intelligence auto-learning algorithm auto-learns regular patterns resulting from actual economic activity.
KHRI's Artificial intelligence is equipped with a learning algorithm that evaluates verification results. Moreover, Use data up to a certain point in the past as training data for AI(Artificial intelligence) learning, and use already known data in the past as validation data.

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