更新 2025.2.10




Kids-Hero Research Institute.

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Kao Corp. (4452:TYO-JP)


  Trading Symbol 4452
  Company Name Kao Corp.
  Website http://www.kao.com/jp/
  Revenue 1,502,241百万円
  The Kao Group is primarily engaged in the manufacture and sale of consumer products and chemical products. The company operates through five business segments. The main products of the Cosmetics segment are counseling cosmetics and self-care products. The main products in the Skin Care and Hair Care segment are skin care products such as cosmetic soaps, facial cleansers, and full body cleansers, as well as hair care products such as shampoos, conditioners, hair styling agents, hair colors, and men's products. The Human Health Care segment's main products are personal health products such as food and beverage products, sanitary products and bath products, toothpastes and toothbrushes, and thermal products. The Fabric & Home Care segment's main products include fabric care products such as laundry detergents and laundry finishing agents, and home care products such as kitchen detergents, household detergents, cleaning paper products, and commercial-use products. The above four business segments are included in the Consumer Products segment. The Chemicals segment is engaged in the manufacture and sale of oils and fats, functional material products, and specialty chemicals.
Highly correlated Stock
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Other Websites

URL of Kao Corp. (4452:TYO-JP)

Machine Learning applies mathematics, chemistry, and physics, and KHRI applies Machine Learning to economics.
High-performance processors and independently developed data analysis methods are used to speed up the computational processing of Artificial intelligence. In recent years, the performance of information equipment has improved remarkably, making it possible for Artificial intelligence to learn using huge amounts of data. In other words, KHRI's Artificial intelligence has parameters for executing the learning function, and learns the learning function parameters from the evaluation results of past data.

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