更新 2024.7.23




Kids-Hero Research Institute.

<< 9101



Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (9104:TYO-JP)


  Trading Symbol 9104
  Company Name Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd.
  Location 東京都港区虎ノ門2-1-1
  Incorporated 1942年12月28日
  The MOL Group operates mainly in the shipping industry. The company operates in five business segments. The dry bulk carrier business owns and operates dry bulk carriers (excluding coal carriers that transport coal for thermal power generation) and transports ocean freight. The energy transportation business owns and operates bulk carriers such as coal carriers for transporting coal for thermal power generation, oil carriers, and offshore and liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers to transport ocean freight on a global scale. The product transportation business includes the containership business and the car carrier, ferry, and domestic Ro-Ro ship businesses. The containership business owns and operates container ships and operates a container terminal. The company also provides logistics services such as air and ocean forwarding, land transportation, warehousing, and heavy goods transportation. The car carrier, ferry, and domestic Ro-Ro ship business owns and operates dedicated car carriers. In addition, the company operates ferries to transport passengers and cargo. In addition to the real estate business, the company operates a cruise ship business, a towing business, a trading company business (sales of fuel, marine materials, machinery, etc.), and a temporary staffing business through affiliated companies. In the Other Business segment, as a cost center for the company's group, the company is engaged in ship management for vessels (excluding oil carriers and LNG carriers), financial services such as financing for the group, information services, accounting agency services, and maritime consulting.
Highly correlated Stock
  9101 日本郵船(株)   9119 飯野海運(株)   9110 NSユナイテッド海運(株)   4062 イビデン(株)   5480 日本冶金工業(株)   9107 川崎汽船(株)   1662 石油資源開発(株)   8511 日本証券金融(株)   9127 玉井商船(株)   9302 三井倉庫ホールディングス(株)   9304 澁澤倉庫(株)   5401 日本製鉄(株)   6804 ホシデン(株)   5201 AGC(株)   6871 (株)日本マイクロニクス   2207 名糖産業(株)  
Other Websites

URL of Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (9104:TYO-JP)

Research into the Artificial intelligence technology used at KHRI began in earnest in the 1990s, initially with research into the mechanisms of human intelligence. Moreover, KHRI's Artificial intelligence auto-learning algorithm auto-learns regular patterns resulting from actual economic activity. Many processes are automatically algorithmized so that prediction results do not involve arbitrary human judgment. But Artificial intelligence learning requires a sufficient amount of data and enormous computing power. KHRI's Artificial intelligence evaluates evaluation results and evaluates the accuracy of individual data predictions.

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