更新 2024.7.23




Kids-Hero Research Institute.

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Secom Co., Ltd. (9735:TYO-JP)


  Trading Symbol 9735
  Company Name Secom Co., Ltd.
  Sector Industrials
  Incorporated 1962年7月7日
  Revenue 1,060,070百万円
  The SECOM Group is primarily engaged in the provision of security services. The company has six business segments. In the Security Services segment, the Company provides comprehensive security services centered on centralized systems (online security systems) for offices and homes. The disaster prevention business provides disaster prevention systems, such as automatic fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing systems, for office buildings, plants, tunnels, cultural properties, ships, residences, and other facilities. The Medical Services segment provides medical services, mainly home health care services such as home-visit nursing and pharmaceutical services, as well as medical services such as the operation of senior residences, electronic medical records, leasing of real estate for medical institutions, and sales of medical equipment. The insurance business develops and sells insurance products, including products that reflect risk reduction through the introduction of security systems in premiums and products aimed at overcoming cancer. The Geospatial Information Services segment provides geospatial information services to national and local governments and geospatial information services to foreign government agencies. The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) businesses provide information security services, large-scale disaster response services, data center business, and BPO services. The company is also engaged in real estate development and sales, real estate leasing, and building and equipment construction.
Highly correlated Stock
  2004 昭和産業(株)   8850 スターツコーポレーション(株)   4658 日本空調サービス(株)   8081 (株)カナデン   1925 大和ハウス工業(株)   9069 センコーグループホールディングス(株)   2001 (株)ニップン   4212 積水樹脂(株)   1721 コムシスホールディングス(株)   9072 ニッコンホールディングス(株)   8200 (株)リンガーハット   4204 積水化学工業(株)   2751 (株)テンポスホールディングス   2818 (株)ピエトロ   7630 (株)壱番屋   6381 アネスト岩田(株)  
Other Websites

URL of Secom Co., Ltd. (9735:TYO-JP)

Automatic processing algorithms are realized by mathematical processing based on data analysis techniques. According to information from a prominent research institute, The past data is divided into learning data and verification data, and the results predicted by Artificial intelligence are verified.

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